Is Jesus the Messiah?


There are many questions regarding Jesus and many debates about Him. One of the main questions that people ask is: is Jesus the Messiah? To answer the question, we need to understand what is a messiah and whether Jesus fulfilled the Old Testaments prophecies of the Messiah.

1. Messiah Meaning

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the Messiah is the expected deliverer and king of the Jews. It also says that a Messiah is an accepted or professed leader of some hope or cause.
Messiah means “the chosen one” or “the anointed one.” It is Mashiach in Hebrew, and Christos (Christ) is the Greek. The anointing signified that God had chosen and consecrated them to perform the task assigned to them.

2. The prophecies of the Messiah

The Old Testament prophets told us about the coming of the Messiah and what he would be like, and what he would do.

To determine whether Jesus is the Messiah, we need to decide whether or not He fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah.

45 Prophecies of the Messiah

3. Did others recognize that Jesus is the Messiah?

After John the Baptist made the announcement concerning Jesus, two of his disciples decided to follow Jesus. One of them called Andrew decided to tell his brother Simon that Jesus is the Messiah.

4. Did Jesus says that He is the Messiah?

When Jesus was having a conversation with the woman from Samaria, He did admit to her that He was the Messiah.
