Why are people atheists?


Atheists are people who deny the existence of God and are primarily in communist and Western countries. Some have an irrational hatred of God, which is ironic since it means they hate someone they believe does not exist.

Here are some of the reasons that some people give for being atheists:

  • They were born in a non-religious family.
  • There are too many religions, and they ask themselves how a person can honestly know the right one.
  • They decide to instead believe in evolution.
  • They have experienced suffering and see it and question why God would allow it.

What does the Bible say about atheists?

God does not excuse the reasons that atheists make because there is plenty of evidence of His existence.

When interacting with atheists, you will realize that some are arrogant and think they are more intelligent than Christians. According to verse 22, they think that they are wise, but they are foolish.

God regards the choice of people to become atheists as foolishness. It is foolish because they want to convince themselves that there is God, even though they believe that everything else in the world has a creator. They understand that a painting has an artist and a building has an architect, but they refuse to believe that the world has a creator.

God does not excuse the reasons that atheists give because the Holy Spirit convicts everyone of sin and speaks to everyone.

Even if someone is born into a non-religious family, the Holy Spirit speaks to them when they grow up, and if they do not resist Him, they will become Christians.

Root cause of atheism

Atheists make all kinds of excuses, but the real reason for being an atheist is that they love to sin and believe that God’s commandments are restrictive. We know this because Psalms 14:1 calls them fools, and Proverbs 1:7 says that fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Atheists do not want instruction from anyone, including God, and want to do whatever they want.

  • Some atheists come from a non-religious family, and their parents might have told them good morals so they would function well in society, but freedom to do whatever they want was the norm from a young age. They only did what was right because they were forced to do so or if disobedience had negative consequences.
  • The idea that God does not exist makes them feel better because they do not want to think that their wrongdoing has negative consequences in the afterlife.

Overall, the thought that God does not exist makes them feel better and dims their conscience every time they sin so that they do not feel as bad when they do something wrong.

Why the excuses that atheists give do not make sense?

Suffering as an excuse

Using suffering as an excuse to disbelieve the existence of God is terrible, since the bible tells us why there is suffering.

  • It tells us that Satan, the originator of sin, tempts people to do evil.
  • Most of the suffering is caused by human beings and could have been preventable. Therefore atheists want to blame God for the actions of others.

We have free will, which means that God cannot force us to do what is good. If God stopped all evil, it would mean that He would have to stop all sin. This will mean that God would have to prevent even the atheist from fornicating, lying or stealing. However, atheists would accuse God of being a control freak if God did this.

Therefore, it does not matter what God does; atheists will always try to find fault with God and have an excuse not to believe in His existence.

Disbelief in the Bible and Belief in Theories by Scientists

They say that Christians are stupid because the bible was written by men, but they believe in books of evolution which were also written by men. Although written by men, the Bible is inspired by God, and the truths in the bible do not change.

Atheists believe in a science textbook with information that changes every few decades.
– A science textbook says that protons exist, but no scientist has ever seen protons, and atheists believe the science textbook.
– A science textbook says that evolution exists, and atheists believe this. But evolution is unscientific. 

For something to be scientific, it must have been observed or measured, or confirmed through experimentation. Evolution has never been observed or measured. It is also biologically impossible since evolution says that a whale evolved into an elephant, but biology says that a whale can only produce a whale.

Atheists believe in a geography textbook that says the earth’s center is made from iron and nickel. However, no one has ever been to the earth’s center, so how do these writers know? However, atheists believe these books but question the authenticity of the bible.

There are Many Religions, and How do you Know that Christianity is the Right One?

There are many religions, but Christianity is the only one with a founder who has never sinned and lived a perfect life. He is the only one who has gone to heaven, and this is written in both the Bible and the Quran (Islamic book). Therefore it is logical to conclude that Jesus is the best person to find out about if you want to go to heaven since He is already there. Christianity also has the largest number of followers, and it is not easy to miss.

Does atheism count as a religion?

The definition of religion according to Dictionary.com

Atheism fits the definition of a religion since it also includes a set of beliefs about creation and the supernatural being (i.e., God). While others do not believe in God, they do not believe in God.

The definition also includes devotional and ritual observances. Another word for devotion is worship. Worship is the love and devotion paid to a deity, an idol, or a sacred item.

Human beings are designed to worship, and everyone worships, including atheists. Atheists worship money, fame, power, and sometimes themselves, while Christians worship the true living God.

Some atheists engage in evangelism, although they prefer not to use that term to characterize their attempts at conversion. There is no distinction between an atheist trying to convince a Jew that there is no God and a Christian trying to convince a Hindu to reject the concept of reincarnation. Both parties attempt to convert a person to another belief system. Attempts at conversion by atheists are likewise overtly religious because they center on God-centered beliefs.

Therefore atheism is a religion.

What atheism can't explain?

  • What happens when we die?
  • Why are we here on earth?
  • What is the cause of sin, and how to overcome it?
  • How to get peace and overcome depression?
  • How was the world created?
  • Who created human beings and everyone on earth?
  • How to overcome sin?

Only the bible has the answer to these questions.

Effects of atheism

Slavery to sin and Addictions.

Atheists foolishly believe that rejecting God and His commandments means they have freedom, but they do not realize that rejection of God results in slavery.
They are slaves to alcohol, hate, violence, bad temper, anger, jealousy, depression, and addiction.
They do not realize atheism results in bondage to sin when they reject God because the devil has deceived them.
Only the Son of God can set a person free.

The Devil Controls their Mind.

Satan controls the minds of those who have rejected God, and they end up destroying other people’s lives. Many of them are demon-possessed, and they do not know it.

Lack of Peace.

They lack peace because only God gives peace, and they know that they will end up in hell. They are constantly trying to keep busy and keep their minds distracted. Some of them suffer from depression, stress, anxiety, and mental illnesses.


If you are an atheist, consider how meaningless your life is. You worship temporary things like money, status, power, or popularity. You are a slave to addictions which you cannot free yourself from. You are a slave to lust, hatred, and anger.
Come to Jesus. He is the only One that can free you from these things and give you true peace. What is the point of working hard to have lots of money when you cannot take it in the afterlife and also being controlled by the devil?

Don’t you want to accept Jesus before it is too late?
If you want to leave the life of atheism and want a new life without sin with Jesus as part of your life, then pray this prayer.

Dear Father in Heaven

I believe you love me, and I believe in your existence. It is my belief that you sent Jesus Christ to die for my sins on the cross. I publicly acknowledge that I am a sinner and accept your Son, Lord Jesus, as my Savior. Please forgive my sins, cleanse me, and give me a new and pure heart. I believe you are my Savior, and I now desire to serve you as my Lord and God. I know I have eternal life in you because of what you did for me on the cross of Calvary. Thank you, God. In Christ’s Name, Amen.
