Common questions from Muslims and Jews about Jesus


1. If Jesus is God, why does it say He was a man? (John 8:40)
2. If Jesus is God, why is He called the Son of man? (Matthew 11:19)
3. How can Jesus be God when He said the Father is Greater than Him? (John 14:28)
4. How can Jesus be God if He said He cannot do anything of himself? (John 5:19)
5. How can Jesus be God when the bible says that there is one God? (Mark 12:29)
6. Why did Jesus sleep if He is God? The Bible says God never slumbers nor sleeps (Psalm 121:4).
7. How can Jesus be God when the bible says God is not a man? (Numbers 23:19)
8. How can Jesus be God if He was a servant? (Matthew 20:28)
9. How can Jesus be God if He was a prophet?

There are many questions from Jews and Muslims about Jesus. The questions arise because they do not want to believe what the bible says about Him, especially His divinity, Sonship, and death and resurrection. Therefore they try to focus on one or two verses to disqualify ten verses or more.

Common questions by Muslims and Jews used to deny Christ's divinity.

1. If Jesus is God, why does it say He was a man? (John 8:40).

Yes, Jesus was a man. He had flesh and bones and had a human mother. God became a man, according to 1 Timothy 3:16.

2. If Jesus is God, why is He called the Son of man? (Matthew 11:19).

Jesus had God as His Father and is, therefore, the Son of God. He also had a human mother, which means He is also a son of man. 

The Old Testament also calls Jesus the Son of man.
The coming of the Messiah, Jesus, was shown in the Old Testament. We read in the book of Daniel that the Son of man will come with clouds.

Daniel 7:13 talks about the fact that Jesus will ascend to God the Father with clouds of heaven, and this happened after His resurrection (Acts 1:9-11).
Through His reference to Himself as the Son of man, Jesus was confirming what was written in the Old Testament.

3. How can Jesus be God when He said the Father is Greater than Him? (John 14:28).

Jesus is 100% God and also 100% man. Human beings are lower than angels, and therefore because Jesus is also human, it automatically means God the Father is greater than Jesus.

4. How can Jesus be God if He said He cannot do anything of himself? (John 5:19).

If you read the entire verse, Jesus said that He does nothing of Himself, but does what God the Father does. So Jesus is not saying that He is helpless.

We can do many things we like, because God has given us free will. Jesus can also do anything He wants, but He decided to do what the Father wants.
Jesus only obeyed God the Father and not men.

According to this verse, Jesus can do what God the Father does. No ordinary human being can do exactly the same things that God the Father does. This further proves that Jesus has supernatural abilities and is God.

5. How can Jesus be God when the bible says that there is one God? (Mark 12:29).

Read Isaiah 44:6. Do you notice that there are two persons/beings in Isaiah 44:6 who are both God? One of them is God the Father, and the other is God the Son. So there is one God made up of more than one person/being.

6. Why did Jesus sleep if He is God? The Bible says God never slumbers nor sleeps (Psalm 121:4).

Again, Jesus is both God and human. Human beings do sleep. However, instead of focusing on Jesus sleeping, you should rather focus on the miracle in the story. Jesus can control the weather, and the wind and the waves obey Him. The wind and the waves do not obey anyone on earth, which proves that He is God. Even His disciples saw that Jesus was no ordinary man.
You will also notice that Jesus is sleeping while His disciples are panicking and afraid of dying. Jesus can peacefully sleep because He knows that nothing can kill Him without allowing it. He knows He is more powerful than the wind and the sea and knows that the sea cannot drown Him.

7. How can Jesus be God when the bible says God is not a man? (Numbers 23:19).

In the Old Testament before 1 A.D., God was not a man. However, he became a man in 1 A.D. Therefore using Old Testament verse is not logical.

Furthermore, when you read the entire verse of Numbers 23:19, it says that God cannot lie or repent, unlike a man. Jesus also never lied and did not need to repent of anything.

8. How can Jesus be God if He was a servant? (Matthew 20:28).

A servant is a person who does work or a service for others. God does work for us. When He answers our prayers and protects us, God is serving us. Therefore God is also a servant.

9. How can Jesus be God if He was a prophet?

A prophet is a person who speaks by divine inspiration and can predict the future with certainty. God is also a prophet because He can predict the future.
