Why John 17:3 still means that Jesus is God?

Many verses in both the Old and New Testaments prove that Jesus is God. Jesus proclaimed Himself to be God. Jesus also has the same nature as God the Father and can do whatever He can do. He is also the creator and can forgive sins. He can also control nature and give life. However, despite all the evidence that Jesus is God, some still doubt His divinity. One of the most popular verses used to prove that Jesus is not God is John 17:3.

Jesus in relation to God the Father

1. Jesus looks like God the Father.

Jesus said that those who see Him see the Father, and the bible also says that Jesus is the image of God the Father.

This is the meaning of the image, according to dictionary.com:

Therefore based on the above verses and definition, it is reasonable to conclude that Jesus looks like God the Father.


2. Jesus and God the Father are One

This is the meaning of “One” according to dictionary.com:


Conclusion: Jesus is God's clone

If Jesus looks like God the Father and is the same as Him in every way, then it is reasonable to conclude that Jesus is God’s clone.

This is the meaning of clone according to dictionary.com:


Application to John 17:3

If you had a clone, then the clone would also be you.

Example: If a man called Tim had a clone, the clone would also be Tim. However, the true Tim would be Himself. The clone would not be the true Tim.

God the Father is the true God, and Jesus is His clone. However, since Jesus is the clone of God the Father, it means that Jesus is also God.

Therefore, although God the Father is the true God, Jesus is still also God because He is God’s clone and is like Him in every way with the same attributes.

Therefore what is written in John 17:3 does not mean that Jesus is not God. Jesus is also the God.
