Similarities in Christianity and Islam


Contrary to popular belief, Christianity and Islam may be two religions with the closest ties to one another. Muslims and Christians are known as the “Abrahamic cousins” because they have a common history and set of religious beliefs that result in several commonalities.

1. Shared history

These two religions started in the Middle East. Jesus was baptized in Jerusalem and born in Bethlehem (present-day Israel). Islam was created primarily in the cities of Makkah and Medina, both of which were the residences of Muhammad in Arabia (present-day Saudi Arabia). 

Both religions share a common genesis regarding essential prophets and religious figures who have shaped their legacies and share the exact geographic origin. 

The two faiths share several commonalities, including Abraham’s sacrifice (Ibrahim for Muslims), Moses’ hardships, Noah’s Ark (Noh for Muslims), John the Baptist’s piety, and the miracles of the Prophet Jesus (Isa for Muslims). For Muslims, the belief in Jesus, the founder of Christianity, is fundamental. Consequently, Muhammad and the Quran have high admiration for Jesus. In actuality, Islamic tradition likewise accepts that the Antichrist will appear and that Jesus will rise from the dead.

2. Belief in the existence of Jesus

Identity of Jesus:

Muslims and Christians believe that Jesus was holy and sinless. However, there are many complexities in His identity in Christianity because they believe that Jesus was not only 100% man, but also 100% God.

Birth of Jesus:

Islam also acknowledges the validity of Jesus’ virgin birth. Mary, Jesus’ mother, gave birth to Christ while she was still a virgin. Muslims and Christians believe it was just a miracle done by the almighty God.

The second coming of Jesus:

Jesus will come back from heaven is a belief shared by both Islam and Christianity. The distinction is in how, when, and why that will occur.

Messiah's Miracles:

Jesus Christ’s status as the expected savior is emphasized throughout the Bible and greatly emphasizes the miracles he performed. In Islam, Jesus is revered as much as His miracles are honored.

3. Religious books

Islam and Christianity have their holy books that are regarded as the original writings of God, the Quran in Islam and the Bible in Christianity. These texts contain the messages that the prophets of the two religions each preached.

Muslims and Christians see their holy texts as authoritative sources of morality. The fundamental beliefs included in the holy books are viewed as God’s covenants that everyone must fervently uphold. In the case of the Bible, these include Jesus’ commandments, whereas, in the case of the Quran, these are the tenets of Islam. Both receive the same respect from their followers.

Christians regard the Bible as the world’s most sacred book. Muslims do not automatically reject the Bible and do not believe in its existence because they regard the Quran as their holy book. Instead, Islam holds that a portion of the Bible contains direct revelations from God.

4. Belief in one God

Muslims and Christians both concur that there is only one God (unlike religions such as Hinduism). All people, including Muslims and Christians, consider themselves the creation of God. This indicates that both faiths are monotheistic or centered on one God. The assertion that there is only one God to worship cannot be disputed.

Muslims and Christians use the pronoun “He” when referring to God. The passage of time and distance have no bearing on God. God is all-powerful, all-present, and all-knowing.

5. Belief in prophets

Islam and Christianity both have prophets and prophecies. Both believe God sent prophets such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Joseph, John the Baptist etc. Muslims and Christians consider the Old and New Testaments as divine scriptures.

Both Islam and Christianity show high reverence for the early prophets. As far back as Adam and the following prophets like Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and John the Baptist.

The Bible and the Quran may have differing details in the stories and accounts involving these prophets, but they acknowledge the same people as holy servants of God.

6. Angels

Both Muslims and Christians consider angels to be real. They also hold a belief in Satan, a wicked entity. Angels are spiritual beings prepared to carry out God’s commands at all times.

The Devil or Satan

Muslims and Christians agree that Satan, sometimes known as the Devil, is wholly evil and appears in both the Quran and the Bible. In Islam, Satan is the one who refused to bow before Adam, whereas in Christianity, the Devil is seen as a fallen angel who is against God. Through his lies, Satan convinces individuals to perpetrate every manner of evil. Muslims refer to Satan as Iblis, whereas Christians refer to him as the Devil. Muslims also believe in jinn.

7. Judgement

There is a belief in both religions that there will be a day of judgment in the future when people will be held accountable for their lives while on earth. It determines whether people will spend the rest of eternity in Heaven or Hell. Muslims refer to the afterlife as Akhirah, where they will remain until judgment day at the end of time. Then, when they stand before Allah (God), they will either go to Jannah (Heaven) or Jahannam (hell), depending on how they spent their lives (Hell).

Both Christians and Muslims believe in a hereafter that includes the resurrection of the dead on the Day of Judgment and divine retribution.

8. Antichrist

Muslims and Christians agree that a false Prophet will manifest before judgement day. However, no one can predict when this will happen. Although the Antichrist is not given a name in the Bible, it does predict the existence of a False Messiah who Jesus will overthrow at his Second Coming. Most Christians connect Satan, the personification of evil, with the Antichrist.

9. Prayer

Prayer is viewed as a very important component of faith in the Highest by Christians and Muslims. Muslims are required to pilgrimage to Mecca, while some Christians long to visit Jerusalem, where the Messiah resided.

10. Other similarities

  • Both Christianity and Islam urge their followers to conduct themselves and dress modestly.
  • They both think that having compassion and being charitable are admirable traits in a person.
  • Both emphasize the importance of prayer and talking to God, encourage kindness and generosity, and advise treating others how you would like to be treated.
  • Both religions require their followers to be sincere, abstain from serious transgressions, and seek forgiveness.
  • Jesus is revered and loved by both religions, and both anticipate his earthly return as part of their end-of-the-world scenarios.
  • Muslims and Christians consider the human body sacred and deserving of respect.
  • Both of them think that family is the cornerstone of their ideas and significantly influences society.
  • Muslims and Christians both hold that following God results in world peace, harmony, and blessings in the afterlife.

Looking at the above, it is quite obvious that there are many similarities in Christianity and Islam and that both religions have much in common.
