Did Jesus say He is God?

Bible verses which are in the Old and New Testaments, state that Jesus is God. However, did Jesus say that He is God? This is the question that this article will answer. There are about five instances where Jesus said that He is God. Let us explore them.

1. Jesus said that He came from heaven.

Jesus was preaching at the temple, and the Pharisees started a conversation with Him about what He was saying about Himself. He told them that they were from this world in John 8:23, but He was not from this world and was from above. By stating this, Jesus is saying that His origin is from heaven and not earth.

2. Jesus said that He existed before Abraham.

Some biblical scholars say that Abraham, one of the patriarchs of the Jewish people, died in 1800 BC. Since Jesus was born in 0 BC, it means there are 1800 years between Abraham’s death and the birth of Jesus. The average person lives for 80 years, and living for 1800 years is an impossibility. In John 8:58 Jesus said He existed before Abraham was born, which is impossible unless He is more than human and is God.

3. Jesus said He is the I AM.

Not only did Jesus say that He existed before Abraham in John 8:58, but He also called Himself the I AM. Verse 59 says that the people took stones to stone Him for saying this, but He escaped. Why were the Jews offended by the fact that Jesus called Himself the I AM? The answer can be found in Exodus 3:13-14.

When Moses spoke to God about going to the children of Israel, he asked Him what his name was. God told Moses that he should call Him I AM and tell the children of Israel that I AM had sent him.

Therefore, when Jesus said He is the I AM, He was saying He is God since I AM is the same name God told Moses to be called. This explains why the Jews wanted to stone Jesus. They wanted to stone Him because He said that He was God.

4. Jesus said that He was the First and the Last.

In the book of Revelation 22:13, Jesus called Himself the First and the Last. We see the same proclamation by God in Isaiah 44:6.
Revelation 22:13

5. Jesus said that He and the Father are One.

Jesus said He and the Father are One in John 10:30. The Jews accused Him of making Himself equal to God, meaning He was saying He is God. Jesus did not disagree with their accusation of them saying that He was saying He is God.

Conclusion: Did Jesus say He is God? Well, based on the five statements above made on different occasions, it is clear that Jesus did say that He is God. This is also further evidenced by the fact that the Jews themselves also concluded that Jesus was saying He was God because they wanted to stone Him.
