Did Jesus say worship Me?

God makes it clear in the Old Testament that He is the only one that should be worshipped in the ten commandments and Exodus 34:14. No other being should be worshipped, and worshipping anyone other than God is a sin.

The fact that only God should be worshipped is also stated in the New Testament. For example, in the book of Revelation 22:8, when John the apostle wanted to worship the angel of God, the angel clearly said in Revelation 22:9 that John should not worship him and that only God should be worshipped.

Did Jesus say worship me? Since He is God, he had already said only He should be worshipped in the Old Testament. So the question of those skeptical about whether Jesus is God asks whether He asked to be worshipped. According to them, if Jesus, while He was on earth, asked to be worshipped, it would prove He is God.

If you read the bible verses about Jesus, you will realize that Jesus didn’t need to tell anyone to worship Him because He was already being worshipped.

1. Jesus was worshipped by non-Jews.

After Jesus was born, there were wise men that came from the east came to Jesus to worship Him, according to Matthew 2:2.

Jesus worshipped by non-Jews

2. Jesus was worshipped by Jews.

Jesus was worshipped by some Jewish people while He was on earth before His death and resurrection on the cross as well as after His resurrection.

Jesus worshipped by Jews 1
Jesus was worshipped before His death and resurrection.

Jesus worshipped by Jews 2
Jesus was worshipped after His resurrection.

Conclusion: Did Jesus say worship me? Well, it would not make sense for Him to ask for worship because He was already being worshipped. Some Jews realized He was God, which made them automatically worship Him. Therefore, Jesus asking for worship was completely unnecessary because why would Jesus ask for something that was already happening?
