Why become a Christian?

If you are reading this, it means that God’s Spirit has been speaking to your heart and mind and has led you to this website.

God wants you to learn the truth; it is especially essential to know the truth now because we are close to the end of the world.

Along with God’s Spirit leading you here, you might be curious about Christianity because of one or more of the following reasons:
– You have a problem with sin, and your current religion cannot help you.
– Or you are dissatisfied with your life and want to know if there is more to life.
– Or you are unhappy with your current life and want something/someone better.

Regardless of the reasons, being on this site is one of the wisest and best decisions you can make.

Let us now discuss why becoming a Christian is your best decision.

1. Experience the Greatest Love.

The God of the Bible is love (1 John 4:8), and Christians call Him Heavenly Father. Christianity is not like other religions that have a deity who expects a lot of things from human beings and always wants to be appeased. The God of the Bible has sacrificial love and is like a loving parent. 

2. Get freedom from sin.

You cannot stop sinning using your strength despite your best efforts.
Jesus Christ, God’s Son, came into the world to save you from your sins (Matthew 1:21). When you accept Jesus, you receive the Holy Spirit that sets you free from sin and eternal death. Freedom from sin means no more guilt and shame because of sin. You also confess your sin to God, so He can forgive you (1 John 1:9).

3. Have lasting joy and peace.

The freedom we experience in Christ results in joy and peace.

4. Experience a loving relationship with God.

God wants to have a relationship with you and a close friendship. He wants to be ever-present in your life, strengthening, comforting, listening, and teaching you. He speaks to you through his Word (the Bible) and leads you by His Holy Spirit. Jesus wants to be your closest friend.

What makes Christianity different from other religions?

a. The only religion whose God made an effort to save people.

In other religions, human beings need to put all their effort into changing themselves and making themselves acceptable to God. If you cannot change, you end up facing the penalty of eternal death.
However, the God of the bible became a human being and paid the penalty of eternal death on the cross.

b. The only religion with a sinless founder.

Jesus Christ is the founder of Christianity and never sinned in words, acts, or thoughts.

c. The only religion with a founder who is divine.

Besides being the Son of God, Jesus Christ is also God.

d. The only founder who rose from the dead.

Jesus is the only founder of a religion whereby he died and rose from the dead. This gives us confidence that He will be able to cause us to rise from the dead when He comes back again.

e. The only religion whose founder is in heaven.

Jesus Christ is in heaven, while the founders of other religions are still in the grave.

f. The only religion where a sinner can change to a saint.

When we accept Christ, we get filled with the Holy Spirit, and He helps us to change. When you have the Holy Spirit, you can change from a sinner to a saint. You will able to overcome your addictions and sins. Many people before becoming Christians were addicted to drugs, alcohol, and other sins, and Jesus freed them from these vices.

g. Jesus Christ is the only founder that can perform many miracles (John 20:30-31).

  • He healed the sick.
  • He walked on water.
  • He resurrected people from the dead.
  • He cast out demons from people who were possessed.
  • He was able to control the weather and the sea.

Do you want to be free from sin?

Are you tired of living a life of sin whereby you destroy not only your life, but also the lives of others? Do you no longer want to be bondage to sin, addictions, anger, hate, jealousy, and pride? If yes, then you are ready to become a Christian.

Do you want to be like Jesus?

Jesus was perfect in every way and lived a holy life. He was kind and courteous to everyone. He had compassion and always spoke the truth in love. He loved everyone, including his enemies, and even prayed for them.
The founders of some religions used force and violence to cause people to follow them, but Jesus used love and self-sacrifice to attract people who chose to follow Him.

A Christian is someone who seeks to be like Jesus and is a follower of Jesus. If you desire to be like Jesus, then you have come to the right place.